Resource Library
How do you react when you’re completely overwhelmed by life’s brokenness? Sometimes our “real”, uncensored emotions don’t seem particularly God-honouring, do they? So we hide our ugliest thoughts from God. Then God feels distant, at the very time we need him most. If you find it hard to pray when life gets tough, this e-booklet is designed for you.
Have you suffered great loss in your life? If you are a mess, that’s completely normal! Even the strongest Christians flounder when grief floods their lives… This bundle is about God, the gardener of our souls. He is a master at making beautiful things grow within — not in spite of, but as a result of — the bleakest seasons of our lives. I pray this resource will help you to persevere, and to find a sense of purpose within your pain.
How can we even think about producing spiritual fruit when we’re in survival mode? How are we supposed to be joyful, patient and kind when we’re battling just to make it through the day? Fortunately, spiritual growth is not all up to us. This bundle has a message of comfort for your weary heart and overburdened mind.
Even well-meaning advice can hurt, can’t it? When you’re on the receiving end of unwanted “helpful” advice, how can you respond in a way that both honours God and works on an emotional level? May God bring healing to your heart and strength to your relationships through this resource.