Myth: If you don't look disabled, you're not disabled. This infographic advocates for invisible illness awareness, explaining how disability can be hidden.

Myth: If you don't look disabled, you're not disabled. This infographic advocates for invisible illness awareness, explaining how disability can be hidden.
Judgy advice can hurt when you're battling illness or grief. How can we respond in a way that honours God and works on an emotional level?
Kristy lives with ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). In this interview, she talks about the difficulties of church life for chronically ill Christians.
In this series we talk to Christians with invisible illness (physical, mental and/or developmental) who often feel like outsiders at church.
I’m in the middle of a flare. I really struggle on days like this. I’m sure you know how it feels! Most of the time my symptoms are under control – I carefully pace my activity; I rest regularly; I do what my doctors have instructed in order to manage my chronic condition. But sometimes …
Depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand with grief, in the early days after diagnosis or other traumatic life event. Psalm 23 is a great comfort.
Jesus helps us in our times of deepest grief and depression. I love the parable of the Wise Builder. It's such a comfort when the storms of life rage.
How is God's love different to people's love? This post offers spiritual guidance to Christians who are feeling forgotten by God.
How can we live a fruitful Christian life when battling daily through illness or grief? The gospel message from Galatians can help us with this struggle.
God's plan for your life remains the same, even when you're depressed or sick. When you feel too empty to serve God, the gospel message is what you need.