How you can get illness and grief support from Fruitful Today

Guided tour of Fruitful Today

Welcome! I’m here to support you in your journey through illness and loss. I’m not an expert — I don’t have qualifications in psychology or theology — but I do have loads of personal experience, which I hope will benefit you.

It’s my sixth year of being mostly housebound. I’m sort of used to spending lots of time alone these days, but in the first year or two I didn’t cope well at all. I had lost so much, and I felt powerless. How could I be of any use to anyone while confined within the four walls of my empty home?

The idea of creating a blog to support Christians through illness and loss took root in my heart at some point. About a year later I finally took the plunge. I’m so glad I did. Now, when my family and friends are busy with their own activities, I sometimes get my laptop out and start writing. It helps me to stay focused on God, and it’s a way I can serve him — and you of course — despite my broken body.

So, let’s take a more in-depth tour.

Finding the posts you need

Sometimes you might want to browse Fruitful Today for support on a specific issue or emotion.

Search box: At the top of the page you’ll see a “search” box. If you type a word inside the box and hit “enter”, you’ll be directed to posts containing that word. For example, you might want to find a favourite Bible passage (e.g. Romans 8), a particular topic (e.g. despair), or the name of an illness (e.g. ME/CFS).

Categories: On the Home page you’ll see there are 12 categories to choose from. A bunch of posts relating to each topic will come up when you click your chosen images. Here’s a screenshot to help you find it.

Screenshot of illness and grief support categories, from home page.

Devotions to support you spiritually

On the Devotional Series page you’ll find a list of series to choose from. Take your pick — start with whichever one appeals to you the most! Each series has a different focus, but they all share a common goal: to support you, encourage you, and equip you in the bleakest seasons of your life.

The 15:5 Tribe

I help to run a private online Christian group on Facebook. Click here for more info.

A note about this blog

My posts touch on some quite sensitive issues that concern Christians living with chronic illness and grief.

First, I want to reassure you that I’m a mature Christian and I’m connected to a local church — one I’ve attended with my husband for the past 10 years. I’ve been a committed Christian since my mid-teens and I’ve earnestly studied the Bible (albeit informally!) for over 20 years. You can read more about me here.

Second, I want to stress that I am not a pastor (or a medical professional, for that matter), so please read my posts with that in mind. I aim to provide gospel-centred devotions relevant to Christians who are dealing with hardship, and I am so happy to be providing encouragement and comfort to you — particularly when these are lacking in your life.

However, I’m not wishing to replace your existing support networks. People who meet with you face-to-face can tailor their support to your individual needs, which is something I can’t do from behind this screen…

So, keep seeing your doctors! Keep talking with your counsellor, if you have one, and do your best to put their personalised feedback into practice. And please do persevere with church, if you are able to leave the house. I don’t want Fruitful Today to replace any of these other valuable sources of support in of your life.

Phew! That’s done now. Tick! Thanks for your patience — I’m not a huge fan of the official stuff.

Something to remember about me

I certainly haven’t “arrived” yet — I have grumpy days and sad days, and days when I lose perspective. While writing these posts I am not just reminding you of the hope we have in Jesus; I am also reminding myself!

May God provide us all (including me!) with comfort, perseverance, and trust as we walk the chronic illness journey with him. (Rom 5:3-5)

My prayer

Lord, please help me to write words that bring hope and comfort to readers who are isolated by invisible illness – whether it’s mental, physical, or both. Thank you for being the “God of all comfort”. Please help my readers to feel less alone through this blog. Please help them to grow in their knowledge of your great love. Please open their eyes to the wonderful plans you have for their lives, even within their sorrow and pain. In Jesus’ name, amen.

– Kristy







  1. Alyssa says:

    Kristy, just wanted to send a note to let you know that I am loving your site! I found you through Esther’s group and smiled when I saw that we have a mutual friend, Don P – I worked with him (briefly) on a couple of books with Tyndale. I’ve been SO encouraged by your writing. You seem to be a few steps ahead of me on this chronic illness journey, as I’ve just been officially diagnosed this year. It’s been a difficult, life-changing year, full of adjustments I never dreamed of ever having to make. So much loss and so many questions. As I have been trying to gain understanding into my diagnosis (FM/ME/POTS), searching for resources & support, one thing has become very clear: there is a great need for the gospel within this community! In the midst of all the chaos & uncertainty, anxiety and despair run rampant. The hope & peace found in God’s Word is truly the only thing that sustains through this trial. You’ve put into words so well many of the things God is showing & teaching me. And, your site has been an inspiration as my husband and I continue to pray about how God is leading us in ministry within this community. I’m so glad to find other Christ-followers as we rely on his strength and provision for each day! May you be blessed as you continue to share what God puts on your heart 🙂

    • Kristy says:

      Oh, Alyssa, I’m so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. I was a complete mess in the first couple of years, swinging back and forth from being wildly hopeful to being deeply depressed and despairing. I’m five years in now. Things are still not so good with my health, but my ability to deal with the emotional side of stuff is MUCH better. I look forward to getting to know you and travelling the long road with you via the Tribe – I approved your request to join today. I’m excited that you and your husband are so keen to do ministry within the Christian chronic illness community. There’s a growing number of blogs and websites in this “space”, which is so lovely to see as it can be terribly isolating to live with chronic illness within Christian communities that aren’t always equipped to support sufferers in the ways that they need. The more of us there are, ministering to this community-within-the-Christian-community, the more we can advocate and educate and raise awareness in the wider church about caring for the members of Christ’s Body who are struggling. Xx

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