Category: Hope

Trusting God in the Darkness (Matt 6:25-27)

Trusting God in the darkness is hard, but cynicism fades as we focus on our Shepherd. A devotional reflection on Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:25-27. My kids looked at me with muddled amusement as I laughed like a hyena at one point during the film, Madagascar. They were too young to understand the irony of …


But God Intended it for Good – Joseph’s Story (Gen 50:19)

My 7-year-old asked me the other day, “If God controls everything, does that mean he controls us too?” I gave him a high five for asking such a perceptive question — go, little philosopher! The intersection of God’s sovereignty and people’s free will is a mystery. From my reading, it seems that both are equally …


New Year’s Hope (Lam 3:21-22)

I took this photo on New Year’s Eve, just after the fireworks ended. Kids were running all over the place, hyped up on the adrenaline of a later-than-usual night. They were waving sparklers and glow sticks around in an almost-frenzied, tribal sort of way. I’ve been experimenting with photography, as a hobby, for many years. …


An Earthly Tent and a House in Heaven (2 Cor 5:1)

Our kids are camping in the back yard for the next few nights, as there aren’t enough beds to accommodate everybody inside the house (no room for them at the inn – how apt 😆). The kids are absolutely loving this sleeping arrangement; it’s an adventure for them! Recently, we enjoyed meeting a young boy …


God of Compassion and Justice (Isaiah 42:3)

Our God is gentle and compassionate. He is also a God of justice – he will not let hateful and harmful acts go unpunished. God’s judgment is something we don’t like to talk about or even think about. I guess the “hell, fire and brimstone” sermons of times past might have gone a bit overboard! …


Yet I Still Dare to Hope (Hope Series #2)

This is Part 2 of the Hope Series. You can read Part 1 here. It’s been a year since I embarked on that new treatment path. Sadly, none of the prescribed medications or supplements have made a significant impact on my ability to function. Some of them have even made me feel worse! What sorts …