Category: Invisible illness

Be Happy With Those Who are Happy (Rom 12:15)

It’s a family tradition to attend the annual Lego exhibition — well, my husband and kids go; I usually stay home because a trip to the city puts enormous pressure on my immune system. On the day of the 2015 Lego show I was in the throes of post-diagnosis depression. I found it soul-destroying to …


Play (Five Minute Friday)

I can’t play as much as I used to. My body doesn’t cooperate. My mind is not always cooperative either! But watching my kids play is one of the greatest joys of my life. My Facebook status update from today says: Highlight of the morning for the kids: finding a dead fish. 😳😂 What a …


Days Like This #1 (Luke 12:13-34)

I’m in the middle of a flare. I really struggle on days like this. I’m sure you know how it feels! Most of the time my symptoms are under control – I carefully pace my activity; I rest regularly; I do what my doctors have instructed in order to manage my chronic condition. But sometimes …


My Letter to ME/CFS

A lighthearted but honest look at life after diagnosis with chronic fatigue syndrome, from the perspective of a parent of small children.